Prime Time Ministry

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The purpose of FBCLC senior adult ministry is to connect people to God, to other believers and to service.  We belief that mature adults are perfectly suited to make significant contributions to the lives of others. They have acquired experience and wisdom, and possess resources that enable them to minister effectively to a broad range of people.  Local, regional, and foreign missions are a vital component of our mature adult ministry. If you would like more information about the Senior Adult Ministry of First Baptist Church of Lenoir city, please call (865) 986-9066.

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Exercise Program

Info for program goes here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Small Group Bible Study

Info for small groups goes here.[/vc_column_text][vc_toggle title=”Sunday PM Studies” style=”square_outline” el_id=”1460143256733-710d84af-904a”]It’s Not Too Late, video-based Bible Study by Dr, Tony Evans. Led by Dr. Dick DeMerchant at 5:00 pm in Fellowship Hall A.

On-Going Bible Study taught by David Blakeney at 5:00 pm in Fellowship Hall C.

Various additional Senior Adult groups meet in Prime Time Area at 5:00pm. Contact the Prime Time Office (865-986-9066) for information.

Multi-generational, BYOBible group discussing “How Faith Works in Everyday Living” led by Donny & Velva Crass meeting in Room 220 at 6:00pm.
For More Information –

Multi-generational, Women’s Bible Study (6-12 week study) led by Donna Mayes in Room 214 in 6:00 pm. For more information –

Devotion, Prayer, & Basketball led by Jonathan Boals in the Gym at 5:00 pm. For more information call or text Jonathan, 865-406-7054

Multi-generational, video-based, short (6-8 weeks) Bible study led by Randy & Tonya Freels meeting in their home (meal included) at 5:00 pm. For more information call or text Randy, 865-256-1912

Co-ed group meets off campus, led by Ken & Cindy Duncan; for more information –

Leadership 101Sunday evenings in room 208 of the Education Building
from 6 – 7 PM each week. Led by Dr. C. E. Jackson III.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Tuesdays” style=”square_outline” el_id=”1460143356310-ef8110ec-d28d”]Women’s Bible Study Group, Joy of Living, continues their study in Children of the Day by Beth Moore at 9:30am in Room 206. For more information contact Suzanne Wylie, 865-408-9426[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Wednesdays” style=”square_outline” el_id=”1460143378165-fe646fd8-61a1″]Multi-generational, Bible study (video-based) on 1 Corinthians entitled Crazy Grace for Crazy Times led by Donny Crass meeting at 6:00 pm in Room 220. For more information –

REFIT® will transform your life through co-ed cardio & toning exercise followed by devotion & prayer.  For more information, contact Sabrina Stamper
865-755-1733. Meets in room 219 at 6:00pm.

Ladies Bible Study, Armor of God, a seven-week study by Priscilla Shirer, begins Wednesday, January 27 at 6:00 pm. Led by Priscilla Hill in room 208.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Thursdays” style=”square_outline” el_id=”1460143400639-14172063-72ac”]Men’s Bible Study led by Donny Crass at 7:00am at Bojangles in Lenoir City. For more information call or text 865-660-2398 or

Girls of Grace will begin a new study on Thursday, January 28 at the home of Robin White, 2670 Hirst Circle, LC. This study title is Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. For more information, contact Barbara Slaven at 865-719-0358.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_text_separator title=”UPCOMING PRIME TIME EVENTS” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-calendar” i_size=”xl” border_width=”4″ add_icon=”true”][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”top-area-3″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_gallery type=”flexslider_slide” interval=”3″ images=”8107,8108,8109″ img_size=”500×450″][subtitle type=”3″ subtitle_content=”MINISTRY LEADER”][distance][ourteam img=”5531″ name=”Pastor Richard DeMerchant” title=”Senior Adult and Pastoral Care Pastor” text=”Our Senior Adult Ministry is a place where senior adults age 55 and up simply refuse to act their age. Take a look within our church walls and you will see senior adults participating in church activities from Vacation Bible School to visiting local nursing homes.”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row video_fullscreen=”true” video_url=”” video_type=”video/youtube”][vc_column][distance][/vc_column][/vc_row]